Meet your demands for increased analytical performance and flexibility with the Thermo Scientific™ ESCALAB™ XI+ X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) Microprobe, which combines high sensitivity with high resolution quantitative imaging and multi-technique capability.
Equipped with a micro-focusing X-ray monochromator designed to deliver optimum XPS performance, the ESCALAB XI+ X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) Microprobe ensures maximum sample throughput. The multi-technique capability and availability of a range of preparation chambers and devices provides the solution to any surface analytical problem. Using the advanced Avantage data system for acquisition and data processing, maximum information is extracted from the data.
X-ray Monochromator
Twin-crystal, micro-focusing monochromator has a 500mm Rowland circle and uses an Al anode
Sample X-ray spot size is selectable over a range of 200 to 900μm Lens
Analyzer and Detector
Lens/analyzer/detector combination makes the ESCALAB XI+ XPS Spectrometer unique for both imaging and small area XPS
Two types of detectors ensures optimum detection for each type of analysis — two-dimensional detector for imaging and a detector based on channel electron multipliers for spectroscopy when high count rates are to be detected
Lens is equipped with two, computer-controlled iris mechanisms — one allows the user to control the field of view of the lens down to < 20μm for small area analysis and the other to control the angular acceptance of the lens, which is essential for high-quality angle resolved XPS
180° hemispherical energy analyzer
Depth Profiling
Digitally-controlled EX06 ion gun is a high-performance ion source even when using low energy ions
Azimuthal sample rotation is available
Multi-technique capability
Other analytical techniques accommodated without compromise to the XPS performance
Reverse power supplies for the lenses and analyzer using the EX06 ion gun (ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS) is always available)
Electron gun can be operated at up to 1000V and provides an excellent source for REELS
Technique Options
XPS with non-monochromatic X-rays
AES (Auger electron spectroscopy)
UPS (Ultra-violet photoelectron spectroscopy)
Vacuum System
5mm thick mu-metal analysis chamber maximizes efficiency of magnetic shielding
Increased effectiveness compared to shielding methods that use internal or external shields
Sample Preparation
Combined entry lock and preparation chamber form part of the base system
Additional preparation chambers are available
Avantage Data System
Integrates all aspects of the analysis, including instrument control, data acquisition, data processing and reporting
Allows remote control and easy interfacing to third-party software such as Microsoft Word
Manages total analysis process from sample to report
The ESCALAB XI+ X-ray Photoelectron Spectrometer (XPS) Microprobe Features:
High sensitivity spectroscopy
Small area XPS
Depth profiling capability
Angle resolved XPS
Ion scattering spectroscopy (ISS) in base system
Reflected electron energy loss spectroscopy (REELS) in base system
“Preploc” chamber in base system
Multi-technique analytical versatility
Many sample preparation options
Automated, unattended analysis
Multiple sample analysis
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