


Ultra-high resolution nanotomography using parallel beam geometry.

True submicron high-contrast X-ray computed tomography

Product information

Rigaku nano3DX is a true X-ray microscope (XRM) with the ability to deliver 3D computed tomography (CT) images of relatively large samples at high resolution. This is accomplished by using a high powered rotating anode X-ray source and a high-resolution CCD detector. The rotating anode provides for fast data acquisition and the ability to switch anode materials easily to optimize contrast for specific sample types.

What is X-ray microscopy?
Tomography is the study of the three dimensional structure of an object by slicing it into thin sections. Microtomography implies that the slices are very thin; thin enough to be viewed by an optical microscope. Classical tomography is a tedious and time-consuming process, and can also result in significant perturbations to the sample. In X-ray tomography, the entire sample is imaged at multiple rotation angles. This multitude of images is processed by sophisticated computer algorithms to provide a three dimensional reconstruction that can be sliced in any direction, providing new insights into the internal features of the object. X-ray microscopy provides this visualization at a resolution better than a micrometer (μm).


High-resolution, high-contrast X-ray microscope
The new nano3DX allows you see into many types of samples, including those that have low absorption contrast, for example CFRP, or denser materials like ceramic composites. The nano3DX allows you to achieve this by providing the ability to change the X-ray wavelength to enhance contrast or penetration.



  • Ultra-wide field of view, 25X larger volume than comparable systems
  • 3 X-ray wavelengths (Cr, Cu and Mo Ka) to optimize imaging for different sample matrices
  • Parallel beam geometry for high contrast and rapid data collection
  • Auto 5-axis (XYZ and rotation) stage and on-axis imaging system
  • High resolution three dimensional (3D) images
  • High power rotating anode X-ray source
  • High contrast for low-Z materials
  • High-resolution CCD imager


