NEX CG II, a powerful second-generation energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer, delivers rapid qualitative and quantitative determination of major and minor atomic elements in a wide variety of sample types — from oils and liquids to solids, metals, polymers, powders, pastes, coatings, and thin films.
The Rigaku NEX CG II is a multi-element, multi-purpose analyzer, ideal for measuring ultra-low and trace element concentrations into the percent levels. Especially well-suited for semi-quantitative determination of elemental content in complete unknowns, NEX CG II serves many industries. Applications range from research and development to industrial and in-plant quality assurance. It is easy to use for non-technical operators yet powerful enough for expert use in commercial labs and R&D facilities. Users can achieve the lowest limits of detection and easily manage complex applications like testing agricultural soils, and plant materials, analyzing finished animal feeds, measuring waste oils, environmental monitoring, and many others.
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