The CIQTEK EPR200-Plus is a floor-standing EPR spectrometer with enhanced sensitivity for robust continuous wave (CW) EPR measurements. The model can be customized with three different sizes of electromagnets.
An upgraded version, CIQTEK EPR300, is another floor-standing CW EPR spectroscopy with higher sensitivity and optional Q-band extension.
Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) or electron spin resonance (ESR) spectroscopy is a powerful analytical method to study the structure, dynamics, and spatial distribution of unpaired electronics in paramagnetic substances. It can provide in-situ and non-destructive information on electron spins, orbitals, and nuclei at the microscopic scale. EPR spectroscopy is particularly useful for studying metal complexes or free radicals so it has important applications in the fields of chemistry, materials, physics, environment, etc.
The ultra-low noise microwave generation technology combined with weak signal detection technology guarantees the high sensitivity of the EPR (ESR) spectrometer.
The maximum magnetic field strength can reach 1.5 T. The precise magnetic field scanning control technology makes the magnetic field uniformity better than 10 ppm and the long-time stability of the magnetic field better than 10 mG/h, guaranteeing high-quality spectra.